We're done with being "good girls," - well, in the traditional sense.
It starts pretty much at birth and weaves it’s way into life as you grow older without us even noticing it. People have different ways of telling us to be “good.” Maybe you’ve had strangers on the street tell you to smile, or boyfriends suggest you dress a certain way, or been told that “boys don’t like girls who do that” as a warning. Maybe you’ve been asked to take notes at a meeting, or clean up after it’s done, or stay late to help, because that’s what girls are expected to do. We’re encouraged to have sex appeal, but only as much as others deem appropriate. We’re told the importance of appearing beautiful, but also told to make our beauty seem effortless. We’re told to play by the rules, to not get angry, to not be emotional. It’s the sum of these small, repeated expectations - these shoulds and should-nots - define the idea of a “good girl".
At STONE AND STRAND, we’re redefining the phrase “Good Girl.” What does a Good Girl do? Take risks, think ahead of the game and ultimately follow your gut. We’re not here to smile on cue, wait our turn or play by the rules. Welcome to a new generation of Good Girls who are doing what’s right for themselves and not afraid to do things their own way.

We're weaving this mentality into everything from capsule collections to creative collaborations with creators we love, to our own imagery and beyond. Because we all need the occasional reminder that we have the tools to do whatever we dream of. We're taking this empowered, female-focused lens into everything we do, whether designing with cool-girl Emily Oberg or giving creative reign to a photographer like Dana Boulos. We'll never stop using our platform to lift up and support creative women we admire.

So, why not join us? Check out our latest project here and be sure to follow along on Instagram, @STONEANDSTRAND.